Friday, January 8, 2010

First Photos Of Union Terminal This Year, (2010)

Hello All:

As promised in that last blog, I have officially uploaded those photos to that I took while Tony and I were in Union Terminal on January 3, 2010.  What suprises me is how quickly the first 10 years of the new century and the new millennium have slipped by here.  It doesn't seem like the new millennium actually started 10 years ago, but at the same time, it feels right.

Oh well, folks  --  enough about the millennium here  --  let's talk about those photos that are below here.  As I mentioned above, Tony and I took these photos on January 3, 2010.  I only took a few, because the camera decided to throw a fit on me with its batteries.  I was going to shoot the Christmas trains, but oh well.  If you don't see them in another slide show in the next week or so, I will try to get them when they are put back out in November or December over at Union Terminal here.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Now For the "Mildly Different" Today......

Hello All:

I noticed that I haven't really posted in this particular blog since November 2009  --  so shame on me!!  I did want to post this blog on here, because I wanted to tell all of you that Tony and I have been to Union Terminal reciently and I am currently working on getting those photos uploaded right now to as I am creating this blog.

I will have those new photos posted from photobucket here as soon as they finish uploading over there.  In the mean time, I have a very nice video montage that I want to share with all of you right now.  I hope that you enjoy the video montage here.