Friday, August 6, 2010

Prince Albert II Visits Elvis Presley

Hello All:

Well, Prince Albert II from the tiny country of Monaco and his fiance, Charlene Wittstock were in Memphis, Tennessee receintly.  While the prince and his fiance were in Memphis, they went to Elvis Presley's home in Memphis, named Graceland.

In the below video, I read the article that talks about Prince Albert II and his fiance going to Graceland to see the house.  I also talk about some related thoughts on being at Graceland and how I have that on my "Bucket list" of some stuff that I want to do just once, so I can say that I actually went through the house, just for the benefit of me seeing it on the inside.

Any way, folks, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the prince and his fiancee visiting Elvis Presley's house here!  Enjoy the below video, folks!!  :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

NEW evidence: "ELVIS PRESLEY IS in the COFFIN" video!

Hello All:

This video goes with the last one that I just just posted not all that long ago here. I hope that you enjoy watching this video as well. I hope that you have a great week!!

Elvis walking past window at Graceland? Was he Alive after 8/16/77?

Hello All:

I doubt that is Elvis walking behind that window in this video, but you all watch and decide for yourselves here. Happy viewing, folks.

elvis presleys ghost

Hello All:

I just thought that I would share this unusual Elvis Presley video with all of you today. Happy viewing, folks!! :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Union Terminal Videos From March 6, 2010.

Hello All:

Here is the video play list that I mentioned in the below blog that shows the photos that I shot back on March 6, 2010 from when Tony and I went to Union Terminal.  As I mentioned below, I shot like 18 videos of Tony and I going to Union Terminal, messing around inside of Union Terminal, then going home from Union Terminal.

I realize that this blog is getting posted a week later from when I went to Union Terminal with Tony, but I am only posting this blog with the below play list now, because I needed to have enough time to successfully upload all of those afore mentioned 18 videos.  You tube isn't exactly the quickest with uploading videos to them from my computer here at my home or I'd be able to quickly upload these below videos in the process of like a couple of minutes in like one whole sitting here at the computer.

As a side note, I also have a subscriber over in you tube on the account that these videos comes from that watches every single video that I post on there, (for the most part) and the man doesn't like watching videos of people who upload like more than 5 videos at a time.  (The guy has stated this fact about his hatred of "Multiple uploads of more than 5 videos" on the guy's own page here.)  So, to keep this particular guy from bitching about me possibly uploading the whole of the 18 videos in 1 go, I just s-l-o-w-l-y uploaded the 18 videos, just to get even that guy to watch all 18 over a period of a few days here, (even if it took me like 5-6 days or more to get them all 100% uploaded over in you tube!!)

So, without further adieu, here is the play list for all of you that has the videos on it from when Tony and I went to Union Terminal on March 6, 2010!  I hope that you enjoy watching us go to Union Terminal, talking about teachers in Rhode Island losing their jobs, big bugs in the box, screaming children and other "Interesting things" here.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Union Terminal Photos & Other Commentary.

Hello All:

Below are some photos in a slide show that I shot today at Union Terminal over in Cincinnati, Ohio.  I am going to be adding on to this slide show as Tony and I go to Union Terminal for the rest of the year, so don't be suprised that if you look at this blog and you happen to see new photos below in the slide show at some point, because I am definately planning on adding on to the slide show for the rest of the year this year.

On a related note, Tony and I also shot some videos, but I will be adding those bad boys in a play list later on, (with you tube's help here), once I get all of them uploaded over to you tube and thrown in to a new play list there.  Tony and I shot some serious videos today and it will definately take me a while to get all of them uploaded, because we shot a grand total of 18 videos today.  I am currently in the process (on a seprate screen right now, as a matter of fact) in the process of uploading the first 3 videos right now to you tube, so you should be seeing that new play list, oh say by next Saturday, assuming that the uploads all go smoothly.

Any way, folks, without further adieu on the other hand,  here are the photos from today, where Tony and I went to Union Terminal in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Oh, and one last thing before I forget, folks  --  please don't forget what I mentioned above about this slide show, folks  --  I am going to add on to this slide show as time passes this year, so please keep an eye out for those additional photos below!!  :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Icehouse - Great Southern Land

Hello All:

If you want to see something different after you watch this video, scamper over to the movie review blog and look at all of the videos there that are about movies. The movie that this song is featured in, ("Young Einstein") is reviewed in the play lists there. Happy viewing, folks!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Elvis Presley & The Ghostly Prank

Hello All:

These videos below are of a semi-scary and semi-funny nature, so that is why I am posting these videos here for all of you this evening to watch and enjoy.  I just got to thinking about some stuff last night and I just thought that I would share the below stuff with you all here as well.  I initially included this blog over in my "Scary Stories and Halloween Related Blog" chain, but I thought that since there is a mention of Elvis Presley in one of the videos, I thought that it would also be interesting to share this with all of you here as well tonight.

The first video is about an e-mail prank that one of my maturnal older cousins or an old aquaintance of mine e-mailed me back in like 1998 or 1999 (or even back in 2000) that involves a kitchen table here. The story is pretty funny, as is the end result, so I hope that you enjoy the story about the "Ghost and the kitchen table" tonight, folks!

The second video is about Elvis Presley and his former residence, Graceland. My husband, Tony sent me this, well, thing about Graceland that had something to do with Elvis Presley that had come from a local, (to me, any way) radio station, (102.7 fm -- WEBN) back about the same time as the first video's incident took place here. In the second video, I tell about the thing from Graceland and what my mom and one of my mom's sisters almost did to me when they watched that particular video with me here a little while later on in that same time period.

So, without further adieu, here is the two videos for you tonight!! I hope that you really enjoy watching these two videos, folks!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

First Photos Of Union Terminal This Year, (2010)

Hello All:

As promised in that last blog, I have officially uploaded those photos to that I took while Tony and I were in Union Terminal on January 3, 2010.  What suprises me is how quickly the first 10 years of the new century and the new millennium have slipped by here.  It doesn't seem like the new millennium actually started 10 years ago, but at the same time, it feels right.

Oh well, folks  --  enough about the millennium here  --  let's talk about those photos that are below here.  As I mentioned above, Tony and I took these photos on January 3, 2010.  I only took a few, because the camera decided to throw a fit on me with its batteries.  I was going to shoot the Christmas trains, but oh well.  If you don't see them in another slide show in the next week or so, I will try to get them when they are put back out in November or December over at Union Terminal here.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Now For the "Mildly Different" Today......

Hello All:

I noticed that I haven't really posted in this particular blog since November 2009  --  so shame on me!!  I did want to post this blog on here, because I wanted to tell all of you that Tony and I have been to Union Terminal reciently and I am currently working on getting those photos uploaded right now to as I am creating this blog.

I will have those new photos posted from photobucket here as soon as they finish uploading over there.  In the mean time, I have a very nice video montage that I want to share with all of you right now.  I hope that you enjoy the video montage here.