Hello All: Well, it was no big secret that Elvis was a mamma's boy, because it nearly killed Elvis when his mother passed away, because Elvis loved his mother so much. I think that this video is a good tribue to both Elvis and his mother and I just thought that I would share it with all of you.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Elvis Presley Rags to Riches
Hello All: This song describes my relationship with my husband, because this song describes how my husband and I feel about each other. Elvis had such a wonderful voice and in case you couldn't tell, I really love listening to him sing.
Elvis Presley - Where Did They Go, Lord (Take 1)
Hello All: Here is yet another fine Elvis Presley video for all of you to watch and enjoy. I hope that you enjoy watching this video as well, folks. :)
Elvis Presley - Mansion over the Hilltop
Hello All:
This song is wonderful to hear Elvis singing as well. I agree with what one of the people commented on this video over in you tube said: "I want this song sang at my funeral."
I wouldn't mind this song being sang at my funeral (not that I'm planning on passing away any time soon, mind you!!) I know that if somebody in my family passes away and I help plan that person's funeral, I'll see about getting this song put in that funeral as well. This song is WONDERFUL. (Sorry to be so morid, folks!!)
Elvis Presley - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 11)
Hello All: I happen to love listening to Elvis singing this song, so I just thought that I would share this video with all of you as well. I hope that all of you have a great week and a great weekend.