Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Union Terminal's New Mummy & Exhibit.

Hello All:

I have some interesting video from you tube of the exhibit at Union Terminal about "Umi," the Cincinnati Museum Center's own mummy.  "Umi" came to the Cincinnati Museum Center from across town at the Cincinnati Art Museum, which is located in Eden Park.

The video itself about the mummy and the exhibit that it will be in is here:

The "Secrets of Egypt" exhibit will be going on from now, (October 27, 2009) through January 3, 2010; (although there's a typo on the page about the exhibit and it says that the exhibit will be running through January 3, 2009; [yeah, right!!])  I am really looking forward to going to see this exhibit in a few days.

Here is the web page for Union Terminal, so you can see the exhibit's information for yourself here: http://www.cincymuseum.org/default.asp .

  I hope that you all have a great week this week!!  Please have a safe and happy Halloween 2009!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Elvis Presley Devil in Disguise

I love hearing this song, because it comes at the end of one of my favorite "Chick flicks," called "She Devil." I know that I would do to Tony what Roxanne Barr's character did to Roxanne's hubby in that movie, if it was me in that character's shoes.

Elvis Presley Pocketful of Rainbows

I just wish that my husband, Tony would actually listen to the words of this song and start being happy, (because he's been sad lately.) I also love this song, because "I'm saving Tony's love for a lonely night."

Follow That Dream

Hello All:

Here's a good video for all of you -- "Follow That Dream" by Elvis Presley.

Peace In the Valley

Hello All:

Here's a video of Elvis Presley from a friend of mine from over in myspace.com that I just thought that I would share with all of you in memory of Elvis' passing away this week. I remember Elvis' last concert in Cincinnati, Ohio, because I WANTED to go to it (and I was only 2 years old at the time), due to my parents going to it with my dad's one sister and brother-in-law.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Interesting And Obsure Fact About Elvis Presley

More greasy Elvis facts for all of you tonight!! :)

What You May Not Have Known About Elvis

Here's another interesting video about Elvis Presley for all of you tonight!! :)

the return of unsolved mysteries elvis part2

This is part 2 of that last blog that I just posted a little while ago in the same blog. I'm posting this blog here for the same reason that I posted that last blog in this same blog area.

The Return of Unsolved mysteries elvis part 1

Here's something interesting about Elvis Presley. Since I have stuff on Elvis HERE, I am putting this video here INSTEAD of over in my other blog "Scary Halloween Stuff" blog, just so you know now, folks.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind (HD)

Hello All:

Here's a higher quality version of the last blog/video for all of you tonight! I hope that you enjoy this video/blog as well.

elvis presley blue suede shoes color

Hello All:

Here's another good Elvis video for you all this evening. I hope that all of you have a great weekend this weekend!! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blue Moon by Elvis Presley

Hello All:

Here is another really cool Elvis video for all of you today. I hope that all of you have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend this weekend!

How Great Thou Art by Elvis Presley

Hello All:

I'm feeling rather patiotic today, (since today is the 4th of July), here is yet another good Elvis Presley video and song! I hope that all of you have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend this weekend!! :)

An American Triloigy by Elvis Presley

Hello All:

In honor of today being the 4th of July, I just thought that I would share this video with all of you. Happy 4th of July, everybody!!! :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Elvis Presley Mama

Hello All: Well, it was no big secret that Elvis was a mamma's boy, because it nearly killed Elvis when his mother passed away, because Elvis loved his mother so much. I think that this video is a good tribue to both Elvis and his mother and I just thought that I would share it with all of you.

Elvis Presley Rags to Riches

Hello All: This song describes my relationship with my husband, because this song describes how my husband and I feel about each other. Elvis had such a wonderful voice and in case you couldn't tell, I really love listening to him sing.

Elvis Presley - Where Did They Go, Lord (Take 1)

Hello All: Here is yet another fine Elvis Presley video for all of you to watch and enjoy. I hope that you enjoy watching this video as well, folks. :)

Elvis Presley - Mansion over the Hilltop

Hello All:

This song is wonderful to hear Elvis singing as well. I agree with what one of the people commented on this video over in you tube said: "I want this song sang at my funeral."

I wouldn't mind this song being sang at my funeral (not that I'm planning on passing away any time soon, mind you!!) I know that if somebody in my family passes away and I help plan that person's funeral, I'll see about getting this song put in that funeral as well. This song is WONDERFUL. (Sorry to be so morid, folks!!)

Elvis Presley - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 11)

Hello All: I happen to love listening to Elvis singing this song, so I just thought that I would share this video with all of you as well. I hope that all of you have a great week and a great weekend.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Elvis and Lisa Marie Presley Video Montage

Hello All:
Below is some videos that are mostly of the late, great Elvis Presley. There are also (towards the end, mainly) videos of Elvis' daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. All or most of the videos are all musical videos, (with either Elvis or Lisa Marie singing in them) that are in this video montage. So I hope that all of you enjoy this video montage that I have put together of Elvis Presley with his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.